100% Ready-to-Fly
airplane Ducted Fan RC Jet
64mm EDF w/ Brushless
Inrunner Motor
30A Brushless Speed
11.1v 1300mAh 20c Li-Po
Battery Pack
Tough and Lightweight
Excellent flight
performance. Super stable in the air.
High detail replicated
model of the real airplane Nighthawk
Great for both EDF
Beginners to Professional Pilot
Approx 6-10 minutes
flight time per charge
Wingspan: 711mm
Overall Length: 1041.5mm
Flying Weight: 537.6g
(19.2 oz)
Drive System: Powerful
Brushless Inrunner motor with 64mm ducted fan
Servo: 3X 9g high speed
micro servos
ESC: 30A Brushless Speed
Battery: 11.1V 3S
1300mah 20C Lipo Battery
Control system: 4
Channel PPM/FM Transmitter and Receiver
Radio Control Range:
2500 feet (750m)