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KWD 80.00




·         New version with improved retract doors


·         New version with Twin 70mm metal EDF


·         New version with upgraded 80A Hobbywing brushless ESC


·         8 operable channels (aileron, elevator, throttle, rudder, retract, canard, thrust vectoring, brake parachute ejection)


·         Tail rudders


·         Flipping vector switch on transmitter allows for deactivating/activating vector system


·         Pilots using their own radio systems will need to adjust Travel Adjust and or EPA (End Point Adjustment) settings before operating


Note: Minimum 9 channel receiver required for battery elimination circuit (BEC)


Flying Skill Level:

Advanced and experienced pilots recommended.


Build Level:

Moderate airplane assembly required. Internal wiring and electronics configuration is required. Please dry fit and test all electronics before gluing and securing any components.


Maintenance Level:

After every 5 flights and before and after storing airplane, please check all control surface horns and tighten the screws on surface horns if needed. Check the control pushrod clevis to insure no cracks are visible and no clevis has come loose. Check all control surfaces for solid contact between control surfaces, main wings and tail sections. Check for any loose screws anywhere screws are located. Check all wires connecting to the receiver for soild connection.

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